Wednesday 30 March 2011


Where:  City Grill Room
Address:  535 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria
Burger: Wagyu Saucy Burger 300g - Our burgers are made with 100% pure Wagyu Beef. Served on a toasted bun with bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, honey mayo sauce, blue cheese sauce and onion rings.
Rating: 8.5/10
Price:  $25.50

I've found her, she's the one. I see her coming out of the kitchen, I can smell her already. She's sophisticated but still knows how to show a man a good time. She's very high maintenance, she'll cost you an arm and leg but well worth it. I stick my hand under her and pick her up, she was already moist...

Wait are we talking about a burger here? Anyway this burger was HECKTIK, everything was nearly perfect, shieet Sydney food has nothing on Melbourne. Best Burger, Best Souvlaki, Best Pho, Fuck. Highly Recommended ++++AAAAAAA.

Tad expensive -.5 for this high class prostitute of a burger. But if you've just hit it big at Crown then definitely blow it on 1 or maybe 2 of these at the same time.

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